Welcome to the Official Website of Bell Arthur Water Corporation

Our Mission

At Bell Arthur Water Corporation, our mission is to strive to provide the best possible water at the lowest cost. Although water is our only product, we consider our customers as our most important asset.

Bill Payment Options

Bell Arthur Water now accepting Master Cards, Visa, and Discover cards over the phone or in the office. There will be a convenience fee to be paid at the time of each transaction for this service. Learn more...

Equal Opportunity Employer

This institution is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.  Discrimination is prohibited by Federal Law.  To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights..Learn More

Welcome Spring & Springtime Prep!

Welcome Spring & Springtime Prep!

March 24, 2025

As the days grow longer and the weather begins to warm, it's time to shake off the winter chill and prepare for the vibrant renewal of spring. From sprucing up your home to revitalizing your lawn and garden, there's plenty to do to welcome the new season with open arms. 

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